Bragging Page
- Stone Mountain opened in 2007.
- Stone Mountain's boundaries are the neighborhoods of Weatherstone and Back Country.
- Stone Mountain has 430 students in grades K-6.
- Stone Mountain has a pre-school and before school and after school program.
- Positive Behavior Support System: Be Kind; Be Safe; Be Responsible; Be Respectful
- Winner of John Irwin (17 times) and Colorado Governor's Distinguished Schools (16 times)
- Full-Time Specials Programming: Art, PE, Music
- Monthly library, cub connections, and Investigation Station for K-6
- Strong philanthropy presence
- One full-time and one part-time Gifted and Talented Facilitator, two Reading Interventionist, and one Math Interventionist
- Strong PTO and SAC
- A collaborative and supportive parent population
- Over 20,000 parent volunteer hours per year
- Family events planned throughout the school year, Parties with a Purpose, Family Fest, Small Tall Family Event
- Sample of After School/Before School Clubs and Activities
- Student Council
- Battle of the Books
- Spelling Bee
- Choir
- Band/Orchestra
- LandSharks