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Service Learning

Students at Stone Mountain will participate in various service learning experiences. These experiences will create positive relationships between students, staff, parents and the community. Connecting with other communities and cultures enables students to create an awareness of global perspectives.

Service learning gives kids an authentic educational experience while teaching empathy. That's about as important as it gets. Through service learning, students get a chance to contribute to their communities and discover that whether they are in elementary school or an adult, they can make a difference.

Some example service projects at Stone Mountain:

  • Parties with a Purpose - supporting Denver Human Services
  • SME Gives Back Lunches/Snack bags
  • Partnering with Back Pack Society
  • Raising money for TRHS Grizzly Gives
  • School Grounds Clean-Up

Stone Mountain also participates in Parties with a Purpose. We will be continuing with our twelfth year of "parties with a purpose" here at Stone Mountain. These charitable events are held in conjunction with our holiday parties (Halloween, Holiday and Valentines). While students celebrate the holiday with a simple class party, the main focus is on giving back to those we can help.  We are very lucky to have such a wonderful school and a generous community that supports our students. But, we also want to support teaching our kids about helping others that are less fortunate.