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Student Code of Conduct

DCSD Student Code of Conduct

Dear Parents,

An effective discipline program is essential in the teaching and learning process. The staff at Stone Mountain Elementary School has established an educational environment in which children can comfortably learn at their own level. Each student has the right to learn and play at Stone Mountain without disruption or antagonism from other students.

The staff is committed to teaching and reinforcing appropriate student behavior. Courtesy, respect, and problem-solving strategies are practiced by all staff members and students. Students are encouraged to consistently follow school rules of conduct, set a positive example for others, and always be conscious of how their behavior affects others.

Together, our goal at Stone Mountain is to assure that each child achieves success. We believe that you, as parents, play an important role in helping your child achieve our Stone Mountain expectations, both academic and behavioral. The major role of parents in school discipline is to continually show interest in and support for their children at school.

Generally, educational assistants and classroom teachers administer discipline, but when the situation warrants, the principal becomes involved. Parents are not necessarily called when the first problem arises, as students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and to learn to meet the rules and expectations of the school. We believe each student has the final responsibility for the consequences of his/her behavior. If your child exhibits unacceptable behavior at school, you may be asked to help us teach your child an alternate, appropriate set of behaviors.

With your cooperation and help, we can provide a positive, productive, and safe learning environment for your child.
Michelle Franci, Principal

Student Rights
Students have the right to:

Student Code of Conduct
  • an education
  • attend a safe school
  • physical safety and protection of personal property
  • not be discriminated against
  • privacy
  • fair and just treatment by school employees

Student Privileges

  • recess activities
  • classroom celebrations
  • class/grade level field trips
  • participation in before or after school activities
  • assemblies

Dress Code

  • Appropriate attire is needed to preserve the learning environment and assure the safety and well-being of all students at Stone Mountain. In dealing with dress related issues, parents may be contacted to assist in resolving the problem. Alternative clothing items may also be provided for the day.
  • Bare midriffs, net shirts, tank tops with straps less than 1 inch wide (unless worn under a shirt), and clothing bearing inappropriate logos (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or pictures/statements that could be deemed offensive to public morals) will not be permitted at school.
  • Shorts may be worn if they are longer than the fingertip reach of the wearer. Boxer shorts, spandex shorts, and swimwear are not permitted.
  • Hats may be worn at recess and to and from school but are not allowed to be worn in the building.

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying;
Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any intentionally written message or image, including those that are electronically transmitted, a verbal or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristic, when an act:

  • Physically harms a student or damages a student's property; or
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education; or
  • Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
  • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
  • It is true that harassment often occurs off school grounds and outside of the school day and this is an area over which a school district does not have authority. If there are threats that will be acted out at school or a school related event, the district will intervene.

When Expectations Are Not Met

Despite our best attempts to set students up for success in a positive environment that prevents problem behavior, kids will still occasionally engage in problem behavior - they are kids! When responding to problem behavior at Stone Mountain, we will be guided by the following principles:

  • We will respond to problem behavior only in ways that maintain the safety, well-being and dignity of the child.
  • A primary focus of responses for problem behavior is the instruction of the expected behavior.
  • Our primary goal in responding to problem behavior is to minimize the loss of instructional time for that student and all other students in the setting.
  • We will ensure that the disciplinary action fits the offense.

Primary goals in responding to problem behavior are to identify minor problem behavior early and quickly and calmly redirect the student back to the task at hand. If the student does not respond to initial redirects pre-planned consequences may be required.


Staff is encouraged to deal with minor problem behavior in the classroom and/or where it occurred. The response to many behaviors will be a simple redirection and return to instruction (e.g. redirect to task, a calm response to engage in the expected behavior, or recognizing a neighboring peer for the expected behavior). Staff will use a classroom consequence and communicate the behavior and consequence with parent/guardian through a CORRECT & REFLECT. This REFLECT & CORRECT will be sent home with students for parents to use as a follow up conversation tool at home. The opportunity is used to teach expected vs. unexpected behavior and to have the student learn from their poor choice.


Major behaviors will be handled by administration with an Office Discipline Referral. Such offenses will merit parent communication and will result in disciplinary action depending on the behavior. Disciplinary responses for major offenses will focus on minimizing the loss of instructional time; focus on returning the student to the classroom; and ensure that the disciplinary action fits the offense. Once again instruction of the expected behavior, including student practice, should be a consistent component of all disciplinary responses.

Students who continue having a difficult time meeting behavior expectations; may result in one of the following consequences:

  • Community Service
  • Loss of privilege
  • Loss of recess
  • In-school suspension (Half day and Full Day)
  • Out-of-school suspension (Half day and Full Day)